KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys the fat under the chin “double chin”, also known as submental fullness, to improve your profile.

KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid (a naturally occurring chemical in the body that helps the breakdown & absorption of dietary fat). When injected into the fat under the chin, it destroys fat cells so they can no longer store fat. The results are therefore permanent.

Each treatment, is multiple small injections under your chin that takes about 15 minutes . You may experience swelling, bruising, pain, and numbness that resolves in days or weeks. Most people need multiple treatments given at least one month apart. In clinical studies, 59% of patients received 6 treatments. But this depends on the amount of fat.

An image of a before and after of Kybella Treatment by Dr. Heidi.

*The before and after of a patient that had one KYBELLA® treatment for
subtle improvement of the small fat under her chin. Actual patient of
Dr. Heidi and this picture was used with patient's permission 


Just like any other facial injection, you should only trust a board-certified physician as there are many important nerves, vessels and glands we do not wish to injure or destroy. 

Both in studies & in clinic patients report greater improvement in self-perception, including feeling less self-conscious about their profile. KYBELLA® is not a replacement for liposuction & some people can benefit from more invasive procedures.

If you think you can benefit from KYBELLA® make an appointment to discuss with Dr. Heidi.