IPL Laser Treatments

IPL Laser Treatments

Dr. Heidi offers Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments to help diminish the appearance of brown and red spots, rejuvenate the skin, and improve acne or rosacea.

During this treatment Dr. Heidi shines controlled specific wavelengths of light to break down the pigmentation of brown spots, lighten red spots, and give your skin a glow.

IPL can also help smooth uneven texture of the skin and mildly rejuvenate the skin by altering the tail ends of the DNA structure. The treatments are quick, and there is no downtime. On average patients need 3-4 treatments, performed 3-4 weeks apart.

Doctor Heidi performing a IPL treatment in her Irvine office.



Reduction of Brown Spots on the Face


This patient had quick, simple, and effective IPL treatment to decrease the appearance of her brown spots. There is no pain or downtime associated with this treatment. There is sometimes bruising of the red spots immediately after the treatment which resolves in few days. Most patients require 1-3 treatments.


*Actual patient of Dr. Heidi and was use with patient's permission. 


A before and after of IPL treatment fo reduction of Brown Spots on the Face


Reduction of Brown Spots & Red Spots on the Face


This patient had a single quick, simple, and effective treatment of IPL decrease the appearance of her brown and red spots. There is no pain or downtime associated with this treatment. There is sometimes bruising of the red spots immediately after the treatment which resolves in few days. Most patients require 1-3 treatments.


*Actual patient of Dr. Heidi and was use with patient's permission.  


An image showing the before and after of IPL treatment for Reduction of Brown Spots & Red Spots on the Face


Reduction of Brown Spots on the Hands


This patient had IPL treatment to soften up brown spots on her hands and achieve rejuvenation of her hands. There is no pain or downtime associated with this treatment. There is sometimes bruising of the red spots immediately after the treatment which resolves in few days. Most patients require 1-3 treatments.

*Actual patient of Dr. Heidi and was use with patient's permission.   


A before and after images of IPL treatment for Reduction of Brown Spots on the hands


Reduction of Red Spots & Brown Spots the Chest


This patient had a single treatment of IPL to get rid of her angiomas (red spots). There is no pain or downtime associated with this treatment. There is sometimes bruising of the red spots immediately after the treatment which resolves in few days. Most patients require only 1-3 treatments.


*Actual patient of Dr. Heidi and was use with patient's permission.  


A photo of a patients chest showing the before and after of a single treatment of Intense Pulse Light (IPL) to get rid of her angiomas (red spots).


Treatment of Red Spots & Blood Vessels on the Face


The before and after a series of IPL procedures for treatment of red pots and blood vessels resulting from longtime rosacea.


*Actual patient of Dr. Heidi and was use with patient's permission.


The before and after of a patient that had IPL for the treatment of red pots and vessels.The before and after of a patient with his head turned right that had IPL for the treatment of red pots and vesselsThe before and after of a patient with his head turned left that had IPL for the treatment of red pots and vessels

To learn more about how IPL can improve your skin contact Dr. Heidi today.

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